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Disclaimer: The information provided in this application is intended to Must be accurate and complete. Providing false or misleading information may result in the denial of coverage or the rescission of a policy.

Date of Birth
Step 1

Enter Date of Birth

Date Of Birth Must Be Between 06-Feb-1959 And 06-Feb-2005

Choose Product
Step 2

Selected Plan Details

Summary Details


Policy Detail

Upload info
Step 3

Upload information

Upload Documents
Step 4

Summary Details
Step 5

Pre Issuance Summary

Insured Detail

Customer Name Saif Ali
Mobile Number +923088970720
Address Islamabad, Pakistan

Policy Detail

PLan Title Sehat Zindagi
Plan Benefit Basic Hospitalization Incl. Maternity
Validity 1 Year
Issuance Date 29-Dec-2022

Make payments
Step 6

Select Payment Methods

Credit Card/ Debit Card

Under Development